RF bridge 0.5-3000 MHz, VNA, Return Loss, VSWR, SWR, reflection bridge, for Antenna Analizer.
This RF bridge is intended to use as measurement tools for
This RF bridge made from hi quality RF connectors, special selection of ferrite cores and improved design of PCB.
I got very good result in final, you can see measurement for Directivity of this bridge using VNA.
As you can see up to 1300 MHz this bridge can be used for ideal measurement of well-matched device, up to 2500 MHz this bridge can be used for reliable measurement and up to 3000 MHz for indicative
You can use this RF bridge with HiQSDR (and compatible) SDR TRCVR with N2ADR software.
Also you can use it with NWT boxes, Or any other RF signal source with detector.