16GB USB Memory stick with Live Ubuntu 16.04 HF Noise monitoring system.
Screenshot of Noise monitoring system
How dose the HF Noise Monitoring system work
- The HF noise monitoring system takes a 1Mhz bandwidth samples every 2 minutes using the rtl_power utility and save the measurements in a CVS fie.
- The 2 minute scheduling is done with a Crontab calling a script in the hf_noise directory.
- The RF Samples is taken at a 1Mhz bandwidth from 1M to 30Mhz therefore 29 of the CVS files is created and gets appended as the measurements is made.
- A Perl script utility is the executed from a cron scedular to read the 29 CSV files and import there data into a RRD database.
- The RRD database then gets interrogated by another Perl script scheduled by a cronjob to generate the graph Images and and html files and get saved in the Apache web server graph directory witch is the exposed on http://localhost/hf_noise/graph/1Mhz_Power.php
- Link to Live system http://zr6aic.giga.co.za/hf_noise/graph/1Mhz_Power.php
- The RRD database will then create the Hourly, Daily,Weekly,Monthly and Yearly averages and then generates the graphs every 2 minutes according to the parameters passed to Database.
- The generated graphs is then displayed in a php page via a Apache web server with an php plugin on the following url http://localhost/hf_noise/graph/1Mhz_Power.php.
- Trends can then be seen on a graphs over time.
- The heat map is generated by a python script from different CSV files and is saved in the /var/www/hf_noise/images directory and can be accessed on the local web server on the following url http://localhost/hf_noise/images
- Link to live system http://zr6aic.giga.co.za/vhf_heatmap/images/
List of Software on Memeory Stick
Noise montoring system with added software below
1) APRX AFSK and APRS encoding decoding command line utility
2) CW a CW generator
3) CWCP A Morse code tutor
4) Direwolf this is a Beacon and telemetry generator and digipeater
5) Chirp a VHF / UHF radto programmer
6) FLdigi Digital mode application
7) Gpredict Satellite tracking software
8) gqrx-sdr SDR software
9) Grig Cat radio Controle
10) mutimon afsk decoder
11) Qtel echolink aplication
12) svxlink-server (echolink server)
13) wsjtx wisper application
14) xastr APRS mapping software