HF Low-noise pre-Amplifier using 2x J310 Push-Pull (500 KHZ - 54 MHZ) (Assembled)
New ears for your HF receiver
The design is successfully tested with around 15 dB gain from 0.5 to 30 MHZ and still has 8-10 dB gain on more than 55MHZ.
The outupt P1dB is +15dBm and it's noise figure is around 3 dB. The input and the output impedance is 50 Ohms.
This amplifier can be used as a low-noise pre-amplifier in receivers or as a general purpose wideband gain stage.
The two J310 J-FETs are biased at about 20mA each. The input transformer T1 splits the input signal to feed both of the J-FETS in a balanced configuration, while T2 adds the two amplified signals together. This technique improves the 2nd order performance significantly, since all even harmonics cancel out. R1 and L1 form a negative feedback which affects amplifier's gain and frequency response.
Fréq (MHz) Gain (dB)
1,8 13,7
3,5 14
7 15
14 16,2
24 17
29 16,3
50 11,4
Modification for 50 KHZ to 30 MHZ (still usuable from 30 KHZ), for the users of LF bands
You need to change T1 and T2. Now, for both transformers is needed to be wound on BN73-202 dual hole cores. T1 has a primary winding of 3 turns and its secondary winding 12 turns, again center tapped. T2 now needs to have a 14 turns primary winding (center tapped) and a secondary winding of 3 turns. See the spectrogramms below. By sacrifying the upper frequency response (30-55 MHZ), you can now get a new one at 30 KHZ to 30 MHZ. This is without tweaking the feedback network.
T1 is now bigger and the PCB doesn't have enough space for it's mounting. One possible mod is to place the SMA connectors from the bottom side and by soldering the T1 primary ends directly on the input SMA pins.