Miniature HF Band-Pass Filter 10 Meter band BPF (Kit)
Each of them has a unique code number to help us keeping track of the inventory of the components and ensure error avoidance. There are 9 filters available, one for each of the Amateur Radio HF bands and a 10th is getting ready for the new 5 MHZ band. Each of them is offered as a DIY KIT or ready-made and tested. They can be used in receiver input stages, before a preamp and maybe a second after the preamp, to make switched preselectors or multiplexers. They can only work with low-level transmit applications at mW level to clean up VFOs, mixers before a power amplifier, for experiments and measurements. Especially cleaning RF signal generators for IMD measurements. Aligning the filter is very easy, by adjusting the two variable inductors with a ceramic or plastic slot-tip screwdriver.