VGA 666 Adapter Board For Raspberry Pi 3B 2B B+ A+.
It is a neat and very useful solution for using a VGA screen / monitor with your Raspberry Pi and is far cheaper than an HDMI to VGA adapter or similar. The VGA connection is driven natively in hardware over the GPIO pins (using a parallel interface) and uses around the same CPU load as the HDMI connection on board. It is capable of displaying 1080p60 VGA video with no CPU load. It is also possible to drive this interface at the same time as the HDMI connection, so a dual screen set up is also possible.
This add-on board uses all but 6 of the GPIO pins so it may not be possible to use other add-on boards at the same time as the VGA adapter. You should disable all of GPIO pin's function so that it can work properly.
We strongly recommend that you use 800x600 resolution. The highly resolution will slow down your Pi and cost more RAM.
Raspberry Pi main board is not included.
More Information is avalible from this link:
Package included:
1 × Adapter Board